"You're not a face in the crowd. He sees you..."
Last Arrow's pre-service speaks for itself. Only recently did I begin to see the significance of pre-service. Aside from the cool gimmicks and cool designs if even one person could be impacted and brought closer to Jesus then I believe it is worth all the hours spent planning and setting it up, even if it will only be up for a few minutes - it is worth it!
My awe and thanks goes out to the Idea Makers Team that made it all happen. May God bless each and everyone of you as you continue to serve in this wonderful ministry.
For some time I have been wondering at why I was hesitant to do it. I acknowledge that the gift of writing which I believe I have received by grace is really that - a gift received by grace. I began to think why I was so hesitant then to do it.
I only realized recently what it really meant to acknowledge this gift as something that is not my own. At first I was afraid of what people might think about what I write. I was afraid of criticism. Slowly I have been learning that it matters not what other people think but what is important is what God thinks of me.
If this gift was really from Him then whatever is written is not mine to guard or to be ashamed about. I thought I was being humble by trying to hide it but that was the exact opposite. By trying to hide it I was only showing that a part of me believes that it is me who has the gift. If it is His in the first place then He will be faithful to put his grace and favor on it.
Slowly I am changing how I see this gift and as a first step I am putting up this link: http://www.overflowcentral.com/picketfence
It is a collaboration between me and my parents and I hope it achieves its purpose. It is partly a dream come true for me, partly because if I remember correctly I only contributed 3 articles.
"Even if a book only has one reader then it is worth publishing." I forgot the exact quote but some author I forgot supposedly said that. Haha.
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