Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My new layout entry is just so chio lah...

Yes, can't wait for the few days study break!






If I invite you to any of these... Just ignore me.

Except for Arcade, Arcade must play at least once a week or else the arm no exercise.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Just a few quick thoughts before I go have dinner and study...

A three-hour paper is crazy. I was squirming by the second hour. I wanted to take a cold shower right at that moment.

Mango Puree Ice Blend Drink Thing is nice. (maybe better than mango vinegar)

It's important to immerse one's self in the Word because faith comes by hearing. More so when the world seems to be full of unbelief.

Two papers down!

Time for some white spaghetti!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

And so it begins. It's time to look forward.

Three more months to go. I can't wait!

I'm leaving a mental bookmark here.

Right now I'm thinking of the A's.

Soon, I'll look back at this point in time

and remember...


Good things come to those who wait.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

7 students in total.

One class had only 2 students coming for lessons.

If that isn't powerful enough, one class had a grand total of kosong (zero).

What a day.

We didn't even have a lesson today. Gosh.

It doesn't pay to try and have a good attendance.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tennis is good exercise.

Running around and chasing tennis balls is one good way to get that full body workout... At least, I think so. Why else would my body be aching?

Thank, God, I'm healed. Amen!


I guess I know why it is a stereotype that my countrymen and countrywomen are musically inclined - most of us love to sing. (Even when it doesn't always sound good.)

To prove my point, we're the only ones willing to pay about S$300 for a singing machine. This things is basically a microphone with built in songs and it can be attached to the TV and anyone can start singing karaoke style. The neat thing is that it gives you a score after you sing.

Although the song selection is quite limited because most of the songs are older than my grandfather, there are some songs that I know. Mostly songs that I remember from my childhood.

My dad was thouroughly surprised to hear me singing songs from both his generation and from his father's generation.

My dad is now my favourite singer. Haha. He scored 97 on one song. The highest I've seen so far. I've only managed to hit 95 max. I'm not sure how the scoring really works because I tried singing My Immortal and gave up halfway and I still got 92.

Yup. Both of us sang from around 10pm - 2am.


Family is more important then school. =D

Sunday, August 20, 2006

He Has His Angels Watching Over You

Psalm 91:10-11
10 "No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
11 for He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways."


Don't you just sense your Father's love in these words? Like a mother hen that spreads her wings over her chicks to protect them, God will "cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge". (Psalm 91:4) So don't be fearful of accidents, terrorist attacks, diseases or tsunamis because your heavenly Father loves you and watches over you.

One of the ways He does this is with His angels. God has declared that no evil, plague or accident will befall you or even come near your dwelling "for He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways". When He says "no", He means "no-thing"! And if He tells His angels to "keep you in all your ways", it means round-the-clock divine protection for you!

Let me share with you a true story. A Christian was flying his plane when he realised that it was low on fuel. He contacted the air traffic controller and asked for assistance to land. But he was told that he could not land because there was a heavy fog. Then, his radio went silent and the plane entered the fog.

He was flying blindly when he suddenly heard on his earphone, "Pick up! Pick up!" He pulled up just in time to avoid hitting the expressway! Then, the voice said, "Follow my instructions and I will help you land safely."

He obeyed and landed perfectly. Thinking that it was the air traffic controller who had helped him, he immediately looked for him to thank him. But when he found him, the man said, "Listen, we lost contact with you when I told you that there was a heavy fog. None of us managed to speak to you after that." Hearing that, the pilot believed that God had sent an angel to lead him to safety.

Beloved, your heavenly Father is watching over you. That is why "No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling". And He has a host of angels to keep you in all your ways!


The One Thing - Daily Devotional From New Creation Church


"Rejection is not a reflection of your own value but a reflection of the other person's wrong choice."
There are a lot of things that can take you by surprise.
Sometimes it's just realising you're not as happy as you thought,
Sometimes it's that girl or guy that makes your heart skip,
and sometimes it's when you take a chance and lose.

I guess it all comes down to what we're willing to risk.
For some of us it's our feelings,
for some of us it's our future,
for some of us it's about taking a risk. Period. Even if it means starting with the very first step.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

New these week on JG's life.

I was ordered asked to talk to a guy I don't know and try to invite him for campus and caregroup meetings. I had no idea what to say and sneaking up from behind isn't a good tactic. It was weird and I can sense the guy was sorta freaked out because he must have been wondering why some random guy would walk up to him.

Well, it was a good experience and it's a step in the right direction, I guess. I don't mind doing it again. It will help boost my social skills.

Friday, August 18, 2006

You finally learnt how to notice when someone who's moody.
thank you (:

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Isaiah 40:29-31

He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;

but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.


God is faithful. He is really faithful.


Thanks, Oinkypig, for reminding me about verse 31. "The LORD will renew their strength... they will run and not grow weary."

I passed and got my silver already so I don't have to go in NS early!


Thanks to the other musketeers, Ben, Melvin, and Tim. We all don't have to go PTP!!! Thanks for the encouragement.

Thanks to Amanda, Irene, Veron, Martin, and Nurudin for your cheers and to Smart Girl for your encouragement (you only suggested that I get someone to pace me though. haha)

Thanks to those who did not come today but was always encouraging me. Thanks Evan and Joel and to all of you who were cheering for me last Monday.

Thank you all!


I really believe it was a miracle because I had wanted to stop countless times during the run. But I just felt like screaming, God must have made me think of it, and I did. And everytime I did, I noticed I sped up a little. I kept screaming as I ran. It helped take my mind off from quitting.

It was more like a battle roar lah. GWOAR! GWOAR! GWOAR! Not a scream. Haha.

When you're running and staking everything, you couldn't care less about what the people think. Haha.

The Running Madman.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

These two guys are my bouncers when I am studying.


Gosh, I'm bored.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I've started thinking about things that I want to do in life.

I remember childhood dreams of becoming something or another.

And then growing up realising that those dreams were not really what I wanted.

And then going through a period in time when I have no idea what I wanted.

Now, I feel like there are things I want to pursue in life.

Some crazy things...

Now I think of following the footsteps of either my mom or dad.

Bussiness or Psychology? Or maybe something related? Or both?

There's also other things...

I don't know why I feel like following many paths.


I also remember for a time waking up after a dream and immediately forgetting what I dreamt about.

But recently I have been waking up and remembering vividly whatever I dreamt.

I dreamt of my cousins and my relatives and waking up one day and they were here. Everyone of them. I must be missing them.

I also dreamt of _____ and _____ and _____ and _____ and _____ .... and _____.

Haha. Yeah, right.


Anyway, some interesting things. Dreams and Eye Movements... Hmm... I must go and test the latter out.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I've just been reminded of how much God loves me and how much I don't deserve that love.

He's bigger than anything in this world. He's bigger than the A's. He's bigger than any examination. He's bigger than any trial. He's bigger than any challenge.

Even when the world says it's not possible, God's word says, "Through Him all things are possible." Even when the doctors says it's impossible, even when the teachers say it's impossible, even when friends and family say it's impossible, but God says it is possible and that just rules out everything else.


On another note, God knows what the future holds. In the case of relationships, if some doors seem to close in a relationships, maybe it means it is not the right time. He knows what kind of person that we will change into and He knows how to match us with someone who will complement that change in us. Because we all go through change. He knows what kind of person we will need 10 years from now.

He also knows what career path we will follow. He knows what we will need 5 years from now.

There's really nothing to worry about. Good things, the really good things, are worth all the wait.

Even if it takes time even 2 years... or 4... Go watch the Lakehouse... =D


GWOAR! Every waking moment must see JG studying! For all the dreams that I want to chase, for all the dreams that they never had a chance to dream, for all the hopes not just of myself but of those I love, for the wonderfully-blessed and accelerated life above and beyond all that I can ever imagine, it has to start NOW!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

It's been a while since I had a vivid dream...

Does it mean anything?


The Lakehouse is a nice movie.

All the hopeless romantics were clapping at the ending part.

Or maybe it was just me?

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Simple Things in Life

Walking barefoot on the street in the middle of the night...

Walking through a light drizzle...

Drinking soya milk mixed with milk...

Hearing a favourite song on the radio...

Watching a nice movie (preferably comedy)...

Singing in the shower...

Singing in an empty elavator...

Hearing a funny joke or funny story...

Getting my $2 worth playing Time Crisis 4...

Reading a book that I like...

Finishing a book that I like...



Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes the source of your joy is your smile.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that women are not as superficial as men?

While it has been said that men are attracted by what they see, it has been studied that women are attracted by what they smell.


*inhales long and loud* "You take my breath away."


How's that for a pick-up line?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I'll only get a tattoo after I pierce my ear and change my hairstyle to this.


That's like never.