Monday, October 23, 2006

I came across an article the other day about how when the people around us feel in a certain way, we are able to emphatize with them - as in really emphatize with them.

When a person is feeling down, sometimes we would console the person and in a way we can feel their sadness.

A test was carried out by a psychologist. He/she (I can't remember) was proposed to and got engaged. He/she told the news to his/her psychologist (why a psychologist would need to have a psychologist is still beyond me) and he/she shared in the excitement. They plugged up wires and stuff to the two of them and they found out that the same brain waves or whatever it is that those stuff picked up were similar to both of them. Which means the same feelings were felt even though the other psychologist was only sharing in the good news and not experiencing it.

This shows that we are able to emphatize on the exact same level as those around us. I guess this means that a moody person will indeed somehow make the whole room moody and the reverse must be true.

This says a lot about being a thermostat and not a thermometer. Set the atmosphere wherever we go and be sure not to make the weather hazy.

I guess this would explain why hearing about other people's love stories can give a person that warm feeling inside. It's why we can be happy for the people around us who are able to find love or at least starting to light up that flame - even if it died down a long time ago.

I pray that everyone's love lives will be blessed and then we can all share that warm feeling.

(digression from this point on)

I've found another career path - Matchmaker.

Not the one in the factory kind! The Will Smith Hitch that kind!

A modern day cupid.

There are so many careers that don't have courses for them.

Private investigator...

Lounge singer...



CD Shop Vendor...

Singapore Idol!


Yup, can't wait for the A's to finish!

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