Saturday, March 14, 2009

Walking Thoughts

Sometimes I prefer to walk than to take the LRT because I tend to think about stuff when I do...


I am more comfortable sleeping in the couch than in my own bed. I think I am one step closer to being marriageable.


Its kinda nice to forget bringing my phone out sometimes. Although at first it feels like I am handicapped it makes me realize that I do not have to be shackled by the device. I do not have to reply messages or answer calls that I know are not urgent, especially if I am already talking with someone in person. I don't have to check my pocket every once in a while because I think I felt it vibrate. Its a refreshing feeling...

I wonder if I have any missed calls or messages.


Turn of the switch, will You?


Raymond said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey bro! Totally Agree!
The phone always to be vibrating in the pocket.
I guess its a sub conscious thing!
oh well=)