Saturday, February 24, 2007


Carrefour was (maybe still is) having a clearance sale on books. The prices of the books ranged from $5 - $8.

There were a lot of books piled up and they ranged from self-help to novels to travel guides and a few more. I saw a novel that I wanted to buy. It was a comedic novel and I thought maybe I could do with more comedy in my life and I haven't read a comedic novel before either.

I couldn't decide whether it was worth it though. I might not have time to read it anyway. I held the book for some time and even started reading the prologue. The writing technique was interesting and it seemed like a good idea to get the book.

To buy or not to buy. I could not decide whether to get it or not. In the end I didn't buy it.

The title of the book is "Indecision".

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