Sunday, December 24, 2006

Historymakers 6

So bored so I thought I should start blogging about HistoryMakers 6 Camp.

I loved all the sessions and I'm glad I can still remember the gist of the messages. The first session was about all of us being made by God.

We are not prefabricated beings, we are all unique and made differently. That is why our DNA is different from everyone else. None of us are made the same. Although some characteristics can be similar, we are all still entirely different entities.

Each of us are "fearfully and wonderfully made". The word "fearfully" is not the word that we all know today, in the past it meant "respect". That means God made each of us respectfully. Simply put, each of us were made special. If I remember correctly, in the original Greek translation of the verse, the description of how we are made is the word "poema" which is the root word of "poem".

When you think about it, God "wrote" each of us like a poem, a work of art. A one of a kind piece. We are his artwork. I often complain that my New Living Translation Bible comes up with weird translations and makes the meaning of the verses different, but I like my NLT's version of the verse. It says that we are His "masterpiece".

Yup, that was the first session... At least what I remember of it.

I loved the second session because it really hit home for me. I really needed that word and I'll blog about it next time.

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