Saturday, June 10, 2006


Wow. I'm awake at this time.

Poland vs Ecuador

Watching from RTV 1.

I have no idea how my TV can get the signal from a lot of Malaysian channels, but it adds variety considering that I don't have SCV.

Anyway, thanks, guys and gals for coming over. Too bad we didn't play Taboo. Next time ya?


I pray that one day all my friends can gather together and we all can just hang out and have fun together. Everyone from HWA, everyone from Greenwoods Village (when we were still children), everyone from 4E1, everyone from church, everyone from 05a12, everyone in 05a32 that I have hung-out with (I think only two of you lah, but since I'm generalizing I will not give names), everyone in SAGE, everyone of my cousins (those that I know of, the distant pretty one on my mother's side can also. haha.), EVERYONE!

I pray that everyone will get a chance to know Love, perfect and patient.


What if I was thinking of you?

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