Sunday, May 28, 2006

Baby Sense

Government Warning: This entry has been certified as "NONSENSICAL". Read moderately.


Do you ever wonder what happens to all the memories we had as babies? From as long as I can remember, my childhood memories started at the age of four. It seems as though my brain started recording stuff at that age.

That means there is at least four years where I have no memory whatsoever. What happens in the brain within that four years where the brain seems to be "starting up"? All the settings were loading, all the basic software were being "installed" until the brain can begin its data storing capabilities.

I have come up with a theory based on one encounter with a baby. I think during the time when the brain starts to learn things through the five senses, the brain is at a mode where it's really elevated. As the brain develops, all the senses are heightened for maximum intake of sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and feelings. However, I hypothesize that even at this point in brain development, a sixth sense is also activated.

A sense outside of the five normally "running". This sense detects that which cannot be detected by the five senses. Perhaps even able to detect character.

I quote a famous movie star, "I was holding a baby... and it was judging me. It was looking at me and it was judging me."

What gives babies the ability to "judge" people? I believe it is the heightened sixth sense. They are able to detect things that are pleasant and reach out for it. If you've ever seen a baby reaching out for things that the baby wants, say a pacifier, or a bottle, you would have an idea of what I'm talking about. In the same way babies can sometimes be observed reaching out for the sky - to nothingness.

Perhaps they are able to sense a great future ahead? Perhaps they long to be back in heaven where they just came from. Perhaps they are reaching out to angels watching over them.

They sense something unseen.

That leads me to wonder why one day while taking the LRT, I felt a tug at my jeans. When I turned to look at what it was, it was a baby, reaching out for me.

It was so cute!

Babies are really cute!

I'm not making any sense anymore.

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