Thursday, December 01, 2005

A Thing About Blessing

This entry is late and should have been here a few days ago.

I recently felt what it's like to sort of rob someone of being a blessing in my life. Although it's a small matter, it taught me quite a lot really.

Steve had wanted to pay for the cab fare for sending us all home a few nights ago after having supper and playing pool. He was in the front seat. It is common to share the cost when a few people are taking a cab together so I took out my wallet. Of course my wallet has velcro and makes a loud noise when I open it. Steve knew that I wanted to pay my share and he told me not to do it. I tried passing him money but he refused it. He really wanted to bless all of us.

I was in a similar situation a few months ago. I was in the front seat and wanted to bless my friends by paying by the cab fare. Blessing someone is kind of like blessing yourself because whatever blessing that we sow into people's lives, God restores it even more. That is why it is such a blessing to be a blessing. My friend had also tried to pass me money but I refused. When she was about to alight, she threw the money in my lap and quickly got off the cab. Of course, there was nothing I could do.

In the same way, I thought that I should do that to Steve. I was now at the other side of the fence and feeling what it was like to sort of try to pay for my share instead of just letting Steve bless me. In the end, I did the same thing and threw the money and jumped off the cab.

I did not feel happy after that. Seeing this whole cab sharing thing from both sides opened my eyes. By trying to pay my share I was robbing Steve of the blessing that would be restored to him if I had allowed him to bless me.

If anyone wants to bless, let them. The way to thank them is to let them bless you because the blessings will be restored to them. When you are blessed by another, you would feel blessed and you would go on and bless someone else. The chain goes on. Whereas if you were to stop people from blessing you, the chain is kind of cut. I'm not saying that there will not be anymore blessings, but just that the "blessee" is robbed of the blessed feeling of being a blessing.


Thanks, dudes, for looking for me when I was "lost".

Just needed to be an island for a day.

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