Sunday, July 03, 2005

3 Days Late - Recap of the Month of June

June was a really great month for me. Thinking back, I cannot believe so many things in just four weeks. The month was especially memorable for me because my 18th birthday was in June. And now, 26 days of being of 18, I still cannot believe everything that has happened.

The two camps during the first two weeks were really great. For both guitar and Bengen camp, I met a lot, a lot of people. I am naturally a shy person; I am not that outgoing and it takes time for me to be familiar with people. Maybe it was the way I was brought up; since I can remember I have always been shifting house, changing schools. Honestly, when I came to Singapore I did not want to make friends because I thought I would end up losing them anyway.

That is why I thank God for opening my eyes. Yes, it is true that friendships may not last forever, but I guess friendship is a lot like love - it is better to have been friends than not friends at all.

I still cannot believe when I start making friends with people. I caught myself saying, "Hi, I'm John," a lot of times. I think maybe more than even in my whole entire 18 years!

The exams were also in June. Sometimes I cannot help but feel like I am going to fail. I guess it is natural to think that way as humans. I had to be reminded that I am blessed, I forgot that after my first paper. But I remember all the testimonies that I have heard, even my own - God will show Himself faithful once again. His love will not let me down.

A lot has happened this 4 weeks. In just 28 days so many things can happen. I am looking forward to the next month. It will truly be blessed.

Until next time, be blessed!

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