Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Dream - Lunch

I have been doing nothing the past few days. The only interesting thing that I have done during past week was go to east coast for the games thing.

There is nothing much to say actually, except that it was fun. I was super tired after it.

Hence, I have decided to share this dream I had a long time ago. I was sleeping over at Joshua's house when I had this dream.


It was late and Josh and JG decided to call it a day and get some rest.

JG turned off the lights and was trying to sleep when Josh decided that he wanted to watch some TV before sleeping.

To JG's relief, Josh turned off the TV after a while because there was no show that caught his attention.

JG thought he could finally get some sleep, but Josh decided that he should take this opportunity to bond a little. He then initiated a conversation about girls.

Needless to say, the conversation lasted for a long time until almost morning.

The two boys soon fell asleep.


JG awoke from his slumber and sat up, cleaning the sand off his eyes. Then, he noticed the door knob turning. Someone was coming.

He was utterly surprised to see who opened the door. It was a girl! (I will not say who =p and it's not one of his sisters, mom, or maid either)

"What are you doing here?" asked JG, completely bewildered.

"I brought you lunch!" replied the girl cheerfully.

"You came all this way to bring me lunch?"

"Yeah," replied the girl with a smile while holding up a bag.


JG then awoke. It was almost lunch time and he was feeling hungry.

"Gosh, it was just a dream."


That is what happens when you spend the night talking about girls.


Question for today:

What is the proper term for that thing in our eyes when we wake up? Eye shit? Sand? Dirt?

Can anyone tell me? I would really want to know.

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