Monday, January 01, 2007

The R Theory on Girls by JG

From observation I have identified three types of girls that exist as potential partners for boys.

This theory came about when I was thinking about how the Bible can be a guidebook for almost everything in life and so I thought it's possible that the Bible could also be guide for courtship. I mean, what better book to learn from than the Basic Instructions on Better Living Everyday?

I thought of the stories of courtship in the Bible and have found three categories of girls. This is from a limited knowledge of scripture.

First, there's the type of girl that I will call the "Rachel". This is from the story of Jacob and Rachel where Jacob worked for seven years for his future-father-in-law to be allowed to marry Rachel. Sad to say Jacob was duped into marrying Leah which was the firstborn daughter but because of his extreme love for Rachel, Jacob worked another seven years and he finally married Rachel. In our context, this is the type of girl that a guy must "work" and "chase" very hard for. I believe this is the most common type.

Second, there's the "Rebekah" type. The story of Isaac and Rebekah is what I believe to be the most ideal example. Due to some circumstances, Rebekah took a risk on a "blind date" of sorts and turned out experiencing love at first sight. Of course the feeling is mutual as Isaac also was instantly in love upon seeing her. Obviously, this is the kind of situation where both the boy and girl are in love with each other.

Third, there's the "Ruth" type. I like this type because I'm a lazy boy. In the story of Ruth and Boaz, although Boaz was in love with Ruth, it was Ruth who was wise and was the one doing the "woo-ing". Ruth placed herself in the situation where things between her and Boaz could flourish. In a way, this type is when it is the girl who makes the move.

I think the Ruth type is good except that usually, the feeling is not mutual. The "Ruth" may work all she wants but "Boaz" may not be interested at all. The Rachel type may be good if all the woo-ing of the "Jacob" pays off but usually, the "Rachel" may not be interested. Which brings me to the conclusion that the Rebekah type is the best out of the three.

I think there are other types but I'm quite sure the names of the girls don't start with R so it can't fit into my R theory.


Happy New Year!

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