Tuesday, November 07, 2006


There's no place better to surf than home.

Well, this is my blog so of course I'm biased. After blog-hopping a bit to some people that I don't know personally (gosh that makes me sound like a stalker, technically it's not wrong).

I caught myself thinking, "Are you so bored?"

Actually, since I've banned myself from playing games, I find that there's nothing much left to do. By right, my average computer usage should be about 5 mins. Just check mail, see the usual blogs and that's it.

Gosh, I can't wait to finish. Just a few more days. It feels like it's taking so long and yet it's going to pass by so fast. Faster than I can sing the national anthem of Samoa.

Friendster is my new friend. There's actually some use to it now. Photos, photos, and more photos!

Youtube is going to be my friend after A's. Going GOONG. Yun Eun Hye is so pretty. *melts*


Yes, well *ahem* enough of that.

(she's so pretty)


So anyway, as I was saying, there's no place like home. Maybe I'll surf my archives after a's. I'm sure there's some entertaining stuff in here.

"Are you so bored? You're talking to yourself."


I need a good novel asap.

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