Saturday, September 02, 2006

A few days ago I suddenly remembered about this weird phenomena called Spontaneous Human Combustion or SHC.

I remember seeing it on TV. For those who don't know what SHC is, it's the strange occurence where people are alleged to just suddenly burst into flames for no known reason. The strange thing is that the surroundings of the person is hardly damaged by the flames which rules out fires from outside sources. It's just really the person and the small area around the person that is burned.

Anyway, I remember thinking a few days ago, "What ever happened to this phenomena and how come I don't hear about it anymore?"

It was really weird when I just happen to watch TV and there was a documentary on SHC. They were trying to find out what causes it. There are a few cases on SHC and a lot of theories.

Some say it's ball lightning that hits unsuspecting victims and knocks them unconscious and burns them up. I didn't even know ball lighting exist until after I watched the show. If you want to know what ball lightning is go Wikipedia and find out yourself.

Some say it's the "Wicker" Effect. It's when certain material such as blankets and clothes and human fat become the fuel for even a small spark. They conducted and experiment where a dead pig was substituted for a human. They covered it with blankets and pajamas and put it in a bed to simulate an actual SHC case where a retired fire chief spontaneously combusted. The fire got out of hand and almost burned up the testing room. It contradicted the fact that SHC cases only burned up a small area before the fires extinguished itself.

It's quite a weird phenomena especially when you see the photographs of the scenes where SHC occured.

Victims were seen to have a trend:
1. They were elderly.
2. They were likely to have weak bones (osteoporosis).
3. They were lonely.
4. They were smokers. >.<

Well, my own theory:
A fire monster probably ate them.

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