Thursday, July 27, 2006

Service Learning

Learning through serving. It is an interesting concept. Our service learning project was to interact with old folks and bring them for a field trip to the Botanical Gardens.

Going through this experience, I am reminded that there are things we cannot learn from the classroom. How to treat our elders? How to break language barriers? How to show care and concern?

As I watched my classmates digging out their un-used dialects, I realize the importance of language. I know many of them have dismissed their mother tongues and yet here they are trying to find the words once again. It was very heart warming.

I wish I was able to speak with these precious souls even for just one day. I am sure they have a wealth of experience that I could partake from. I admire their pride. It is not an arrogant pride, a pride that shows, "Don't worry so much. I can take care of myself."

I hope that even by just giving simple smiles I was able to make a difference. I hate the feeling of not being useful and not being able to help out more.

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