Saturday, March 11, 2006

Still Bored

Did I mention I'm bored...?

I'm like talking to myself...

Spilled lime juice on my over-sized yellow bermudas...

I finally got around to calling up the people at MIW...

I don't have any pending medical appointments...

My security question now is...



I gotta go change that...

Wondering whether I should teach my cousins the skills of Super Smash Brothers Melee...


I don't want to spoil my gaming monopoly...

Still can't find the cord for connecting the phone to the computer...

Tons of photos waiting for uploading...

Just sneezed...

Actually, no, I thought of my name and the sneeze stopped itself...

I can't believe I'm having so much fun doing this...

I've run out of things to say...

Maybe later then...


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