Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Access Denied

I've been hearing a lot of talk about setting up medical check-ups and stuff, but I have not received any snail mail notification.

I figured they might have sent it to the other place since I took my own sweet time before deciding to update my IC at any nearby police station.

I decided to check online through the official NS website. MIW something dot com. Upon reaching the site, I realized that I had forgotten my username and password.

I remember my mom telling me to change the username and password immediately when I first got the letter a hundred million years ago. The username was my IC number and the password was some randomly generated one.

I had to change the password asap because the randomly generated one was too absurd to keep. After changing the password to something that I would remember, I had to put a security question in case I forgot my password and needed to retrieve it.

I wanted it to be rather vague so I just put the question as: game. Well, it's not really a question but it was obviously a question on what my favourite game was at the time.

Now, back to the future, I tried in vain to remember my username. I tried all the usernames that I use for lots of other things but nothing registered.

I was blessed enough to try John87 as the username and was happy to finally get a chance to click the "forgot password" option.

The option simply asked me to put my username in and I had expected to receive the password in my email account. However, the security question appeared.

Security Question: game


I forgot my answer. Believe me, I tried all the games I used to play and I must have a played a lot because none of them were correct. Perhaps the question is not even referring to a game per se, but something else...

Going to call the help hotline soon...

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