Saturday, May 14, 2005

Pulled through.

Man, the past week went by like a flash.

I had my first history test last tuesday. The expectation for the paper is that one essay should be four sides long (two pieces of foolscap) and we must do that in only 45 minutes!

As of now, I can only do 2.5 sides. Next term we are expected to write 3 sides in 45 minutes. Until finally we can do 4 sides. It really seems impossible now.

Also there was research presentation on Monday and my group had almost nothing to show the teacher. My group was the last group to show their findings to the teacher so while we were awaiting our turn, my group mates and I tried to learn the material that we had (we had the material but we did not have time to read it).

When it was nearing our turn, we thought we had learned enough to 'smoke' the teacher (that means bluff our way and seem like we know what we are talking about. don't ask me how the term comes about, I also don't know. The teacher was the one who used the term. He often says, "Don't try to smoke me in your essays because I know when you're smoking or not.")

My group mates and I even had the humour to joke amongst ourselves that we are going to smoke the teacher like a cigar. We thought we could smoke him.

In the end, sad to say, the fire was put out before the smoke could come. Our thesis was wrong and the teacher sort of lectured us a little about it. Our wrong thesis showed that we did not understand the topic at all.

The moral of the story. Smoking is bad.


After those 2 days, everything was smooth again. There were no tests or anything. God really pulled me through those two days.

On Monday, we must present the draft for the topic question that we researched upon. Me and my group are going to need some serious pulling.

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