Sunday, August 13, 2006

I've started thinking about things that I want to do in life.

I remember childhood dreams of becoming something or another.

And then growing up realising that those dreams were not really what I wanted.

And then going through a period in time when I have no idea what I wanted.

Now, I feel like there are things I want to pursue in life.

Some crazy things...

Now I think of following the footsteps of either my mom or dad.

Bussiness or Psychology? Or maybe something related? Or both?

There's also other things...

I don't know why I feel like following many paths.


I also remember for a time waking up after a dream and immediately forgetting what I dreamt about.

But recently I have been waking up and remembering vividly whatever I dreamt.

I dreamt of my cousins and my relatives and waking up one day and they were here. Everyone of them. I must be missing them.

I also dreamt of _____ and _____ and _____ and _____ and _____ .... and _____.

Haha. Yeah, right.


Anyway, some interesting things. Dreams and Eye Movements... Hmm... I must go and test the latter out.

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